JA Hair & Makeup Sweet Package
JA Hair & Makeup Sweet Package
Hair & Makeup Package for Bridge and Groom + 2 Makeup Heads
HD Makeup and Hair for Bride
Basic Hair and Makeup for the groom (if at the same venue)
Sanitized Makeup and Brushes
Disposable Sponges and Applicators
Bridal Eyelash Extensions
Branded and hypo-allergenic makeups
Hair Accessories and Extensions (if needed)
Unlimited Retouch of makeup and hairstyling until before the wedding ceremony
3.5k php per additional head
500 php per additional head for hair only
2.5k php per additional wedding guest
500 php for hair only of each wedding guest
2k php per 10 y/o or below
1k php per male
1.5k php per retouch of HMU not done by team
3.5k php Bride trial makeup and hairstyling (at the studio)
5k php Bride trial makeup and hairstyling (on location)
1.5k php for early morning 6am or before
For our of town services, fees will be applied and added to the total availed package primarily includes accommodation, food and transportation and others