Transport and Accommodation

If you’re travelling from overseas, it is likely you will first fly into Manila (Ninoy Aquino International Airport). Manila is the largest city in the Philippines and the main hub of the country. From there you will need to book a flight from Manila to Coron. If your itinerary allows, we suggest staying in a hotel for 1 or 2 nights near the airport in Manila to recover from an international flight before heading to Coron. This allows for time to catch up on rest and provide some space between your international flight and connecting flight onwards to Coron. Alternatively, you can opt to transfer directly from Manila to Coron the same day you arrive in Manila - this will allow you to stay in Coron for more time and enjoy the island life longer.

  • Philippine Airlines is our recommended airline for non-stop direct flights from Australia to Manila. Philippine Airlines offers in-flight entertainment, meals and beverages.

  • Cebu Pacific is the budget flight option from Melbourne to Manila, which also offers non-stop flights to the Philippines. Be prepared to pack your own food though (or pre-purchase for the flight) and bring your own entertainment!

  • There are other airlines that offer flights into the Philippines but will require airport transfers via other cities.

Getting to Coron

The night before the wedding on the 4th of May, Sam and DJ will be hosting a Welcome Dinner at Club Paradise. So at the very latest, we recommend arriving in Coron in the first half of the day on May 4. This will allow you to be transported to Club Paradise in time for checking in at the resort and attending the dinner. Kindly note domestic flights can at times be delayed in the Philippines, so plan accordingly. But if your itinerary allows, arriving days earlier in Coron will give you a chance to ease into the island life of Palawan before Sam and DJ’s big day.

  • Both Cebu Pacific and Philippine Airlines offer direct flights to Coron from Manila and Cebu.

  • If you are staying in El Nido before or after the wedding, you may be able to book direct flight/s via Air Swift.

Interested in hearing about accommodation recommendations in Manila and/or Coron?

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